Chapter 32
Monday- Section 1, “Japan and the Korea’s” pages 681-686
vocabulary: seismograph, typhoon, homogenous
Students will learn that Japan is a culturally unified, densely populated country in a geologically unstable region.
Section 1 Worksheet/Quiz
Tuesday- Section 2, “Japan’s Economic Development” pages 687-692
vocabulary: militarism, downsize, tariff, quota
Students will learn that Japan became an industrial power by adapting Western ideas to the needs of its own society.
Section 2 Worksheet/Quiz
Wednesday- Section 3, “The Koreas: A Divided Peninsula” pages 693-696
vocabulary: demilitarized zone, proliferation
Students will learn that despite their shard history and ancient culture, the Korean people have been divided since 1945 by communism.
Section 3 Worksheet/Quiz
Thursday- No classes. Early Release at 9:00 for UIL District Academic Meet hosted by White Oak High School.
Friday- Chapter 32 Review and Assessment, pages 698-699